PROST: A quantitative pattern recognition framework for spatial transcriptomics
PROST is a flexible framework to quantify gene spatial expression patterns and detect spatial tissue domains using spatially resolved transcriptomics with various resolutions. PROST consists of two independent workflows: PROST Index (PI) and PROST Neural Network (PNN).
Using PROST you can do:
Quantitative identification of spatial patterns of gene expression changes by the proposed PROST Index (PI).
Unsupervised identification of spatial tissue domains using a PROST Neural Network (PNN).
- Installation
- Quick Start
- How to use PROST
- Tutorial 1: Application on 10x Visium human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) dataset.
- Tutorial 2: Application on Stereo-seq mouse olfactory bulb dataset.
- Tutorial 3: Application on SeqFISH mouse embryo dataset.
- Tutorial 4: Application on osmFISH Somatosensory Cortex dataset.
- Tutorial 5: Application on simulated osmFISH Somatosensory Cortex dataset.
- Tutorial 6: Application on Slide-seq mouse Cerebellum dataset.
- Tutorial 7: Tutorial of PROST index.